Friday, February 4, 2011

la spesa

"Andiamo a fare la spesa," he declares, marching out the door – Let's go grocery shopping.
My son likes to carry the wheeled cart when we walk to our neighborhood produce market.
Then of course when it's full, I always drag it back home.


  1. Andras~
    Infatti al ritorno pesa un quintale!

    1/4 di zucca, fagiolini, insalatina di campo, broccoletti da ripassare in padella, minestrone, finocchi, mandarini e mele. Poi mitiche polpette di carne bianca del mio pollarolo Massimo; un filone di pane di grano duro; 12 uova del contadino; 1 litro di latte crudo; uno spicchio di formaggio Marzolino e una bottiglia di vino biodinamico Toscano. Tutto nel carrello!

  2. WOW^_^
    c'è la lista completa...ha ha ha
    Tutta roba buonaaaaaa!!!!!

  3. That can't be E! I can't fathom walking to pick up groceries, though I do have memories of such.

  4. How typical of a boy to do that :)

  5. I wish I had his enthusiasm. It's hard for me to want to go grocery shopping, but once I get there I start dreaming up meals, so it ends ok.

    Fun photo and nice neighborhood!
    (Still searching.)

  6. Tilli~
    Eh certo, che te lo dico a fare... ;)


    Can you believe how much he's grown? All boy in his rock 'n' roll stride and spiderman hat. Dragging a ladies' shopping cart. I can blackmail him with this when he's a teen.


    Yes! Read comment above...


    Keep me posted!

  7. We don't have those over here! We're too dependent on taking our cars everywhere! You were right behind that person!

  8. Those kids, no sense of respect. I admire Europe for maintaining small neighborhood food stores. That tradition is dead here, except maybe in parts of New York City.

  9. Well, at least he helps you halfway! When he gets bigger he help you back as well!

  10. si, bene così, senza buste di plastica da portare a casa ed inquinare l'ambiente! un caro saluto, Luis

  11. i love the fact your son enjoys going shopping with you :)

  12. It's a cute photograph. I smiled reading the brief description. :)

  13. Cute. I love the flower bowl in the street.


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