Friday, April 15, 2011


I like taking the 19 tram to work. I like it even more on my way back home, when it's often not too crowded.
After many years behind the steering wheel of my car, stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, it's very refreshing to commute to work on public transportation. Riding the tram also gives me a chance to be a good citizen, zero emissions!


  1. I really wish we had trams here in Minneapolis. We only have one light rail line and one commuter train. We're building a second light rail line. Mostly, we have the bus if we don't want to drive. I'd love to take a tram to work instead of driving.

    Five days and counting...

  2. I am very impressed with the cleanliness of the tram and how helpful the riders are to the tourists. It is a part of the "Rome Experience" and all should give it a try!

  3. Thank you for your kind contribution to this post.

  4. No one looks happy. Just tired.

  5. I am also very excited about trams because in a few weeks we Jerusalemites will be able to ride our brand new tram for the first time.
    I wonder why your tram has single seats only. No one wants to sit next to a stranger? More standing room?

    Enjoy your carefree riding, Eleonora!

  6. Everyone's eyes are avoiding your camera. Wonderful urban group portrait.

  7. Not a very happy looking group of passengers!

  8. I was wondering the same thing Dina!!! Everyone lost in their own thoughts...a bit isolated, even in the midst of all these people...
    Well done photo Eleanora!!!

  9. To answer Dina and The Chieftess, this particular older model tram has single seating for more standing space. Funny thing, because if you stand in the round disjointed section, even if firmly clasped to overhead support, your head spins and you lose your balance at every curve!
    More modern models instead have double rows, wheelchair spaces and several wider seats for plus-size passngers.

  10. And less stress along with zero emissions.


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