Thursday, June 2, 2011

in costruzione

The street where I live is undergoing a major pavement overhaul. The sidewalks fitted with new travertine marble, potholes filled, and the street grated, stripped, leveled and re-tarred. In this procedure, the old level was uncovered. I was surprised to see that under a thick blanket of gravel and asphalt, my street used to be paved in beautiful sanpietrini cobblestones. They have once again sadly been covered, though.

For more UNDER CONTRUCTION theme day thumbnails, please visit City Daily Photo Blog.


  1. Wow, marble curbs. You will not see that here in California. A shame about the cobblestones being covered over.

  2. A nice discovery. You have a picture now to prove it and to remind you of former glory.

  3. We have new major, his wife is pavements production boss. Guess what was decided to renovate in the city in the first place. Maybe they will also overhaul the Red square))
    I am glad your food blog is back.

  4. I just had to send the photo and caption to our city engineer. I'm sure he's never seen anything like this. This is a perfect photo of 21st century life in an ancient city.

    I, too, am happy you solved your blog problems.


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