Friday, December 9, 2011


The new Christmas lights along Via del Corso were finally lit up today, I've been seeing workers hang the long strands all along the thoroughfare that stretches from Piazza Venezia to Piazza del Popolo for the past week.
On December 8th we celebrate the Immaculate Conception, and customarily take the following day off work if this happens near a weekend. We call this "il ponte," the bridge. This day also marks the beginning of the holiday season in Rome, and traditionally the time in which decorations go up.


  1. That is impressive! Very nice.

  2. OH! The colored lights are wonderful.

    I'm starting to get a little wistful about not being in Italia for Christmas this year.....Costa del Sol this year.

  3. I'm not quite in the holiday spirit yet, but those lights are SO cool!

  4. Oh!!!!!! THANK YOU For posting! I was in Rome a few weeks ago and they were not lit yet! I was so upset. I love the Christmas colors & Italian flag match! Buon Natale!

  5. wawwww!

  6. Splendid! It looks beautiful. And I'm just starting to think about Christmas also. To celebrate, I'm going to the best Italian restaurant here: Pazzaluna. On nights of the full moon, their food specials in the bar are fabulous.

  7. This canopy of lights must feel absolutely magical. Know this via well and would love to walk it under these lights. Thanks for the varied views you've shown us.


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